Two days to realise that Bologna is a true garden
Bologna Open Gardens
25 & 26 May 2024
10th edition
Diverdeinverde is the event that opens the doors to the most secret and hidden private greenery in the historic centre of Bologna
Scroll this page to see the list of the open gardens
or download the paper-based programme (.pdf)
Click on the numbers below to see the sections
Scroll this page to see the list of the open gardens or download the paper-based programme (.pdf)
Click on the images below to see the sections
Info & tickets
How to join
Diverdeinverde will be taking place on Saturday 25 and Sunday 26 May. A personal entry card (12 €) entitles the holder to access the private gardens included in the programme during the two-day event, according to the days and opening hours indicated for each site, as well as to join the scheduled guided tours. Reduced 9 € admission price for university students and young visitors (14-18 years), available for pre-sale only at eXtraBo and during the event also at the three garden sales outlets.
The entry card can be purchased at:
Bologna eXtraBo, Piazza Nettuno 1/ab – 051 6583109
Natura Sì, via de’ Toschi 5/e, via Po 3, via Montefiorino 4/d, viale della Repubblica 23/2
Flò Fiori, via Saragozza 23/b
ZOO, Strada Maggiore 50/a Casalecchio di Reno
Natura Sì, via Porrettana 388, San Lazzaro di Savena
Natura Sì, via Emilia 234.
The card is also available online at Bologna Welcome Travel Agency: upon purchase you will receive a voucher to be redeemed at eXtraBo for a printed pass.
During the days of the event the card will also be on sale at:
Giardino Zu.Art, vicolo Malgrado 3/2 (Saturday and Sunday 9.30 am-7.30 pm), in the garden of Palazzo Rosselli Del Turco, via Santo Stefano 63 (Saturday and Sunday 10 am – 7 pm) and in the garden of via Pietralata 16 (Saturday and Sunday 10 am – 1 pm and 3 pm – 7 pm).
ZU.ART giardino delle arti della Fondazione Zucchelli, located in vicolo Malgrado 3/2, hosts the logistical and organisational headquarters of Diverdeinverde. Opening hours are Saturday and Sunday from 9.30 am to 7.30 pm. Here you can gather information and purchase your membership card, while also stopping to rest (depending on capacity), take advantage of the Polpette e crescentine food court or attend scheduled events. A specialised bookshop corner will be set up by Ambasciatori.
OTHER OPENINGS The Handmaids of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, as usual, will be offering some charity delicacies in the garden of Palazzo Rosselli del Turco, Via Santo Stefano 63.
A few specifications
Diverdeinverde is a project curated by Fondazione Innovazione Urbana Rusconi Ghigi with the collaboration of Francesca Spiniello. The event is made possible thanks to the great willingness of the owners who agree to open their gardens, whom we would like to extend our thanks to, and to the invaluable support of the sponsors and institutions who grant their patronage along with the many associations and individual citizens who contribute to the organisational aspects of the events.
Diverdeinverde will take place regularly even in the event of inclement weather.
Not all gardens are open for the entire duration of the event and in some cases access will only be granted at specific times. Alongside the information provided in the programme, you will find a summary table on the website, allowing a quick overview of the openings for you to organise your visit in the best possible way. Before starting your visit, please double-check our website for any changes.
The entry card is personal and must be presented together with proof of identity. Children under the age of 13 are entitled to free admission. University students entitled to a reduced ticket must provide a valid university card. Most of the gardens are unfortunately not accessible by wheelchair.
No photos are allowed inside some of the gardens. Dogs are not allowed into the grounds. University students and volunteer ecological guards will be supervising access to the gardens and the correct behaviour of visitors. Guided tours and access to gardens no. 28, 29, 32, 34 and 35 must be booked in advance, starting 20 May at 9 a.m., online at
Post and send us your photos!
Look for Diverdeinverde on Instagram and Facebook and tag us there
Please feel free to send any pictures you take during your visits, in high definition, to We will upload some of them to the site’s gallery and select the 2025 cover image from all those received.
Thursday 16 May at 5 pm – Villa Spada Park
Meeting point: entrance to the park, junction between via Saragozza and via di Casaglia
Walking tour of the park together with some of the protagonists of the recent restoration project involving the green area, including the geometric Renaissance-style garden, unparalleled in the city of Bologna’s historic green spaces. Guest stars will include landscape architect Filippo Marsigli of the MarsigliLab studio in Bologna and, on behalf of the Municipality of Bologna, Benedetta Corsano Annibaldi, Head of U.I. Street and Green Maintenance and Sole Procedure Manager, and Valentina Orioli, Councillor for the Protection of Cultural Heritage, and Historic Gardens. Participation is reserved for Diverdeinverde card holders.
Wednesday 22 May at 5pm – Palazzo d’Accursio (Sala Tassinari)
A flower scented dolce stil nuovo. Painting and floral decoration in the Liberty period
Meeting with Roberto Martorelli as part of the activities linked to the widespread exhibition Painting in Bologna in the Long Nineteenth Century 1796 – 1915 (from 21 March to 30 June 2024). A collaboration with the Museo civico del Risorgimento di Bologna and Bologna Servizi Cimiteriali.
Friday 24 May at 5pm – Diverdeinverde in Certosa
Ornamental greenery and phytomorphic decoration in the cemetery of Bologna
A visit to the Carthusian Monastery, today the city’s monumental cemetry, with Roberto Martorelli, dedicated to the peculiarities of ornamental greenery and the symbolic phytomorphic decorations found in funerary monuments. A collaboration with the Museo civico del Risorgimento di Bologna and Bologna Servizi Cimiteriali.
Participation is reserved for Diverdeinverde card holders, with compulsory booking from 17 May, 9 am.
25 & 26 May
Fondazione Zucchelli_Zu.Art, vicolo Malgrado 3/2, during garden opening hours
It rains, it snows, it paints, group exhibition of the best talents of the Academy of Fine Arts of Bologna, winners of the Zucchelli 2023 Competition and the Art Up 2023 awards. Curated by the young Parsec creative collective.
Collegio Venturoli, via Centotrecento 4
The development of talent, one of the stop-offs of the widespread exhibition Painting in Bologna in the Long Nineteenth Century 1796 – 1915, with an ensemble of works by the artists residing at the Collegio in the nineteenth century. Open on Saturdays from 2 to 7 p.m. Admission 5 euros, reduced for Diverdeinverde card holders 3 euros. Info and booking
Art show | Ninfea and her sisters: discovering freshwater plants
Saturday 25 May
10 a.m. – 4 p.m._Giardino del Guasto, Largo Respighi – free admission
Walks in the garden organised by the Associazione il Giardino del Guasto and Azienda Agricola Spontanea Herboristeria Artigianale e Ricette Antiche. One-hour walks in search of the properties, history and ancient herbal and gastronomic uses of the plants around the garden. A free donation is required. For information and bookings
11 am_Botanic Garden and Herbarium | University Museum System, via Irnerio 42 – free admission
Verde 4 Pollinators, A walk through the university botanical garden together with researchers from the Life 4 Pollinators project to discover the pollinators’ favourite flowers. Organised by Sistema Museale di Ateneo.
3:30pm_Garden of Re-Use with Love, via Savenella 13 – admission with Diverdeinverde card
Sounding Nature, harp music improvisation by Marianne Gubri.
4 pm_Fondazione Zucchelli_Zu.Art, vicolo Malgrado 3/2 – free admission
Cut, local, seasonal, imperfect flowers
Hands-on meeting to learn about seasonal flowers and their use in crafting small floral compositions. Organised by Valentina Giardini of the Agricultural Company Val dei Fiori.
4 pm_Savioli Garden – Casa di Quartiere Stella, via Savioli 3 – free admission
From icehouse to icehouse. Merenda at the Giazera
The Savioli garden is to host the arrival of the bicycle ride organised by the Associazione Salviamo la Ghiacciaia with a moment of convivial sharing. Booking is recommended at
5 pm_Ortogiardino Felice Battaglia, via Felice Battaglia 8 – admission with Diverdeinverde card
Waiting for the sunset with music in the vegetable garden, musical variations amidst the garden’s colours and scents.
5 pm_ Municipal gardens, via Saragozza 142 – Admission with Diverdeinverde card
Biodiversity in the city: a green oasis within the asphalt jungle
Meeting and debate on Bologna’s urban biodiversity project with a focus on pollinating insects, their decline caused by man and the correct management of our cities to safeguard these indispensable life-giving creatures. Organised by Giovanni Bazzocchi and Agata Morelli (Department of Food Science and Technology, University of Bologna).
Sunday 26 May
10 a.m. – 4 p.m._Giardino del Guasto, Largo Respighi – free admission
Walks in the garden organised by the Associazione il Giardino del Guasto and Azienda Agricola Spontanea Herboristeria Artigianale e Ricette Antiche. One-hour walks in search of the properties, history and ancient herbal and gastronomic uses of the plants around the garden. A free donation is required. For information and bookings
10.30 am_Savioli Garden – Casa di Quartiere Stella, via Savioli 3 – free admission
Guided tour with conversation in the garden
A four-hundred-year-old portico, an oak tree guarding a snow conservatory, and a family of hundred-year-old cedars will interact with visitors coming to the Savioli Garden. Organised by Emanuela Rondoni, biologist and environmental trainer, Francesca Vaccari and Alberta Parmeggiani, authors of the book Un giardino, una storia. Autobiography of the Savioli garden. Booking is recommended at
11:30 am_Garden of Re-Use with Love, via Savenella 13 – admission with Diverdeinverde card
Blooming Violin, violin music improvisation by Pietro Bolognini.
2pm_Fondazione Zucchelli_Zu.Art, vicolo Malgrado 3/2 – free admission
Sweet peony o’ mine. History, cultivation and use
A seminar to discover the secrets of one of the best-loved flowers through the words of a peony grower and author of the cultivation handbook Peonies – Edagricole, 2021. Organised by Lucia Romani Adami of Peoniamia, a company that produces and sells peony plants and cut flowers for floral decorations for events and ceremonies.
3 pm_Ortogiardino Felice Battaglia, Via Felice Battaglia 8 – admission with Diverdeinverde card
Finding well-being in nature: the practice of barefooting
Guided barefoot walk around the garden with a demonstration of barefooting. An activity for everyone and aimed at everyone’s physical and mental wellbeing. Organised by Dr Alberto Becca.
4 pm_Palazzo Rosselli del Turco, via Santo Stefano 63 – admission with Diverdeinverde card
Moving Readings by the Malippo Association, on the theme of gardens, flowers and landscape. Anyone can bring along the text they wish to read.
5 pm_Ortogiardino Felice Battaglia, Via Felice Battaglia 8 – Admission with Diverdeinverde card
Medicinal herbs, free tasting of herbal teas prepared with herbs from the garden. Organised by Mondo di Eutèpia.
1. Via del Monte 8, Palazzo Boncompagni
Saturday 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. – 7 p.m.
The inner courtyard of this 16th-century former papal residence harbours a spectacular Magnolia grandiflora while a second green space opens onto the public street with two imposing horse chestnuts on display. A surprise for visitors: some large works from the Mimmo Paladino exhibition in the Palazzo del Papa (the exhibition curated by Silvia Evangelisti cannot be visited during Diverdeinverde but is open until 9 June 2024).
2. Via Irnerio 42, Orto Botanico ed Erbario | Sistema Museale di Ateneo
Saturday and Sunday 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. (last admission 5.30 p.m.)
The old university herbarium in its final location, created in the early 19th century based on a design by Giovanni Battista Martinetti in the area of the former Bentivoglio Palazzina della Viola. Free admission.
Saturday 25 May 11 a.m.
Verde 4 Pollinators, A walk through the university botanical garden together with researchers from the Life 4 Pollinators project to discover the pollinators’ favourite flowers. Organised by Sistema Museale di Ateneo.
3. Via Centotrecento 4, Collegio Venturoli
Saturday 10am-1pm and 3pm-7pm, Sunday 10am-1pm and 3pm-7pm
The recently refurbished green space in this 18th century palace integrates the pre-existing vegetation with low flowerbeds teeming with native and exotic ornamental varieties. Reduced admission ticket to the exhibition Lo sviluppo del talento for Diverdeinverde card holders.
Saturday and Sunday
The development of talent, one of the stop-offs of the widespread exhibition Painting in Bologna in the Long Nineteenth Century 1796 – 1915, with an ensemble of works by the artists residing at the Collegio in the nineteenth century. Open on Saturdays from 2 to 7 p.m. Admission 5 euros, reduced for Diverdeinverde card holders 3 euros. Info and booking
4. Largo Respighi, Giardino del Guasto
Saturday 10 a.m. – 8 p.m., Sunday 10 a.m. – 8 p.m.
The beautiful contemporary garden created in 1975 upon the remains of the Bentivoglio palace. Organised by the Associazione del Guasto. Free admission.
Saturday and Sunday 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Walks in the garden organised by the Associazione il Giardino del Guasto and Azienda Agricola Spontanea Herboristeria Artigianale e Ricette Antiche. One-hour walks in search of the properties, history and ancient herbal and gastronomic uses of the plants around the garden. A free donation is required. For information and bookings
5. Via de’ Castagnoli 14, Casa Favia
Saturday 10am-1pm and 3pm-7pm, Sunday 10am-1pm and 3pm-7pm
A green oasis nestled between historic buildings, with young trees, creepers and borders of herbaceous perennials, recently created thanks to the diligent dedication of the young owners.
6. Via Giuseppe Petroni 24, Giardino dell’Acanto
Saturday 10am-1pm and 3pm-7pm, Sunday 10am-1pm and 3pm-7pm
A small vegetable garden with a majestic laurel tree and some beautiful fruit trees alongside the ancient 11th-century walls. Organised by the Via Petroni e Dintorni Association.
7. Via Quadri 6
Saturday 10am-1pm
A lovely and romantic courtyard, with a well, cypress, medlar and charming details.
8. Via Quadri 6
Saturday 10am-1pm
A second small garden, adjacent to the previous one, with a quaint glimpse into a corner of the old town.
9. Strada Maggiore 34, Palazzo Sanguinetti
Saturday 10am-1pm and 3pm-7pm, Sunday 10am-1pm and 3pm-7pm
The courtyard of the International Museum and Library of Music, with banana trees and 19th-century trompe-l’oeil decorations. Reduced museum admission ticket for Diverdeinverde membership card holders.
10. Strada Maggiore 54, Palazzo Sàssoli
Saturday 10am-1pm and 3pm-7pm, Sunday 10am-1pm and 3pm-7pm
Two striking loggias leading to a surprising space of majestic trees in a large, historic garden.
11. Vicolo Malgrado 3/2, Fondazione Zucchelli
Saturday 9.30am-7.30pm, Sunday 9.30am-7.30pm
A garden with a modern name but an old-fashioned flavour, with patches of roses, a beautiful wisteria and ornamental plants. It houses the logistical headquarters of the event, with ticket sales, a food court and resting facilities
Saturday 25 May 4 pm
Cut, local, seasonal, imperfect flowers
Hands-on meeting to learn about seasonal flowers and their use in crafting small floral compositions. Organised by Valentina Giardini of the Agricultural Company Val dei Fiori. Free admission
Sunday 26 May 2 pm
Sweet peony o’ mine. History, cultivation and use
A seminar to discover the secrets of one of the best-loved flowers through the words of a peony grower and author of the cultivation handbook Peonies – Edagricole, 2021. Organised by Lucia Romani Adami of Peoniamia, a company that produces and sells peony plants and cut flowers for floral decorations for events and ceremonies. Free admission
12. Via Fondazza 19
Saturday 10am-1pm and 3pm-7pm, Sunday 10am-1pm and 3pm-7pm
A lush green area along the street echoing the layout of this popular area in medieval times.
13. Via Santo Stefano 56, Palazzo Zani
Saturday 10am-1pm and 3pm-7pm, Sunday 10am-1pm and 3pm-7pm
The 16th-century headquarters of the Bonifica Renana offers some reminiscences of a romantic garden, with aediculas and other neo-Gothic details.
Art show | Ninfea and her sisters: discovering freshwater plants
14. Via Santo Stefano 63, Palazzo Rosselli del Turco
Saturday 10am-7pm, Sunday 10am-7pm
A large garden with a fountain and a centuries-old Lebanese cedar, where you can stop for a snack and buy your Diverdeinverde card.
Sunday 26 May 4 pm
Moving Readings by the Malippo Association, on the theme of gardens, flowers and landscape. Anyone can bring along the text they wish to read.
15. Via Rialto 6/2
Sunday 10am-1pm and 3pm-7pm
A quiet, harmonious garden, with a mound lined with evergreens towering in the middle.
16. Via Santo Stefano 30, Palazzo Hercolani-Bonora
Saturday 10am-1pm
A garden divided into two inner courtyards, with a wealth of botanical species and allegorical statues.
17. Via Savenella 13
Saturday 10am-1pm and 3pm-7pm, Sunday 10am-1pm and 3pm-7pm
The 17th-century building, now home to the Reuse with Love association, has retained the scenic garden décor with aedicule and architectural backdrop.
Saturday 25 May 3:30 pm
Sounding Nature, harp music improvisation by Marianne Gubri. Admission with Diverdeinverde card
Sunday 26 May 11:30 am
Blooming Violin, violin music improvisation by Pietro Bolognini. Admission with Diverdeinverde card
18. Via Savenella 19
Saturday 10am-1pm and 3pm-7pm, Sunday 10am-1pm and 3pm-7pm
Another small green space, once used for production and service purposes, still retaining the atmosphere of yesteryear’s Bologna.
19. Via Paglietta 10
Saturday 10am-1pm and 3pm-7pm, Sunday 10am-1pm and 3pm-7pm
A service area within an old block, converted into a pleasant garden.
20. Via Saragozza 26, Palazzo Albergati
Saturday 10am-1pm
The green urban residence of a famous Bolognese family, on the site of ancient Roman baths.
21. Via Saragozza 29
Saturday 10am-1pm and 3pm-7pm, Sunday 10am-1pm and 3pm-7pm
A house inhabited by nature, an urban green setting that becomes a meeting point between inside and outside.
22. Via Malpertuso 7
Saturday 10am-1pm and 3pm-7pm
A lovely family garden from the early 1900s, which has retained its original layout, decoration and furnishings.
23. Via Santa Caterina 29
Saturday 10am-1pm and 3pm-7pm, Sunday 10am-1pm and 3pm-7pm
A social housing estate in the heart of the ancient suburb of Santa Caterina, reclaimed by the municipal administration half a century ago and managed by Acer, which preserves, hidden from the arcaded street, a green belt dense with exotic vegetation, including specimens of palm, yucca, aucuba and Japanese medlar.
24. Via Santa Caterina 13
Saturday 10am-1pm and 3pm-7pm, Sunday 10am-1pm and 3pm-7pm
Also referred to as The Cat Garden, with a palm tree and honeysuckle pergola, in the heart of the ancient suburb of Santa Caterina. Il giardino dei gatti, with palm tree and honeysuckle pergola, likewise belonging to a second Acer building where the Associazione Tutela Animali Bologna 1891, run by volunteers, is based.
25. Via Pietralata 16
Saturday 10am-1pm and 3pm-7pm, Sunday 10am-1pm and 3pm-7pm
A secret gem, with sophisticated vintage furnishings by Freak Andò, roses and boxwood bushes. Diverdeinverde card available here.
26. Via Savioli 3, Giardino Savioli – Casa di Quartiere Stella
Saturday 9am-8pm, Sunday 9am-8pm
As you walk through the ancient portico of the Alemanni you’ll soon come across a public garden shaded by fifty trees: a common heritage steeped in history and enlivened by the adjoining Casa di Quartiere. Free admission.
Saturday 25 May 4 pm
From icehouse to icehouse. Merenda at the Giazera
The Savioli garden is to host the arrival of the bicycle ride organised by the Associazione Salviamo la Ghiacciaia with a moment of convivial sharing. Free admission. Booking is recommended at
Sunday 26 May 10:30 am
Guided tour with conversation in the garden
A four-hundred-year-old portico, an oak tree guarding a snow conservatory, and a family of hundred-year-old cedars will interact with visitors coming to the Savioli Garden. Organised by Emanuela Rondoni, biologist and environmental trainer, Francesca Vaccari and Alberta Parmeggiani, authors of the book Un giardino, una storia. Autobiography of the Savioli garden. Free admission. Booking is recommended at
27. Via Siepelunga 16/18, Giardino delle Peonie
Saturday 10am-1pm and 3pm-7pm, Sunday 10am-1pm and 3pm-7pm
A well-preserved early 20th-century garden, including a fountain with cherubs, box trees and many varieties of peonies. Works by Bosio Yves will be on display.
28. Piazzale Bacchelli 4, Villa Revedin
Sunday 10am-1pm and 3pm-7pm reservations are required with admission at 10 a.m., 11 a.m., 12 p.m., 3 p.m., 4 p.m., 5 p.m. and 6 p.m.; bus 30, bus stop Piazzale Bacchelli.
The vast park of the archiepiscopal seminary, next to the church of San Michele in Bosco, steeped in history, with evocative nooks and crannies.
29. Via dell’Osservanza 19, Villa Baruzziana
Saturday 10am-1pm and 3pm-6pm reservations are required, with admission at 10am, 11.30am, 3pm and 4.30pm bus 52, stop Villa Baruzziana.
The park of the current mental institution, former 19th century residence of the sculptor Cincinnato Baruzzi, affords a magnificent viewpoint over the city.
30. Via dell’Osservanza 41, Villa Scarani
Sunday 10am-1pm and 4pm-7pm visits with admission at 10, 11.30, 16 and 17.30; bus 52, bus stop Osservanza.
Admire the olive grove of the Ca’ Scarani farm, at the back of the villa, with a superb view of Bologna; with tasting and sale of organic oil.
31. Via Saragozza 142, Orti comunali
Saturday 10am-1pm and 3pm-7pm, Sunday 10am-1pm and 3pm-7pm
One of the most pleasant municipal horticultural areas, located right at the foot of the hills and connected to the nearby Casa di Quartiere 2 Agosto 1980.
Saturday 25 May 5 pm
Biodiversity in the city: a green oasis within the asphalt jungle
Meeting and debate on Bologna’s urban biodiversity project with a focus on pollinating insects, their decline caused by man and the correct management of our cities to safeguard these indispensable life-giving creatures. Organised by Giovanni Bazzocchi and Agata Morelli (Department of Food Science and Technology, University of Bologna). Admission with Diverdeinverde card
32. Via Saragozza 210, Villa Benni
Saturday 9am-11.30am reservation required with admission at 9 a.m., 9.45 a.m., 10.45 a.m.
A large, historic park, immersed in centuries-old trees, surrounds the beautiful early 20th-century villa.
33. Via Felice Battaglia 8, Ortogiardino Felice Battaglia
Saturday 10am-1pm and 3pm-7pm, Sunday 10am-1pm and 3pm-7pm
This private green corner of the hillside, home to vegetable and flowering plants alike, regularly hosts social and therapy projects as well as Bologna’s first barefooting trail.
Saturday 25 May 12 am
Finding well-being in nature: the practice of barefooting
Guided barefoot walk around the garden with a demonstration of barefooting. An activity for everyone and aimed at everyone’s physical and mental wellbeing. Organised by Dr. Alberto Becca. Admission with Diverdeinverde card
Saturday 25 May 5 pm
Waiting for the sunset with music in the vegetable garden, musical variations amidst the garden’s colours and scents. Admission with Diverdeinverde card
Sunday 26 May 5 pm
Medicinal herbs, free tasting of herbal teas prepared with herbs from the garden. Organised by Mondo di Eutèpia. Admission with Diverdeinverde card
34. Via Felicina 1, Giardino delle Stanze Sonore
Saturday 2-8 p.m., Sunday 2-8 p.m, reservations required with admission at 2 p.m., 3.30 p.m., 5 p.m. and 6.30 p.m.; parking available.
In the countryside, a garden brimming with evocative spots: Land Art installations, the Zen corner, the Chartres labyrinth, the small bio-lake and the works of artist Patrizia Merendi.
35. Via Balzani 15, Zola Predosa Villa Balzani
Saturday 9-12 a.m., one-time entry at 9 a.m. reservation required. Parking available in nearby streets.
A new countryside-landscape painstakingly designed out of the former garden of an aristocratic residence of the lowlands: an unexpected green world on the border between Bologna and Zola Predosa, just a stone’s throw from a modern craftsman’s area.
36. Via Ca’ Rosa 9
Sunday 10am-1pm and 3pm-7pm
A large garden, with tall trees, beautiful magnolia arrays, tree peonies, irises, hellebores and a striking climbing rose.
Ph. Mara Angelini